Your Document Emergency Room

You can count on Copy Doctor to handle your document emergencies! We have the latest, high quality, digital equipment. Our experienced staff is passionate about customer service and will always make the process of designing and printing your materials as efficient and effortless as possible.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Key to Unlocking a PDF

In today's quick-paced, Internet oriented society, people are constantly striving to share and disseminate as much data as they possibly can. The portable document format, shortened to PDF, is a file format that allows users to have formatted documents from publishing applications to appear on the computer screen as they were originally created.

Moreover, some PDF files also have features such as password confirmation. Unfortunately, this does not allow the recipients of PDF files to edit or copy the information within the file. Hence, most users may have a copy of a PDF to unlock.

A PDF to unlock is much like an old door with a broken lock. A person simply has to turn the knob to get into the next room. The problem, however, is to check if the knob opens the door properly.

Fortunately,, offers users a program that can easily remove passwords from PDF files. If a person has a PDF unlock problem, he or she can install this program to successfully view the contents of a secured PDF. Further copying, editing and extracting may also be accomplished after unlocking. Copy and paste operations may then be done on the said PDF. Subsequently, the data acquired from a PDF may then be transferred to other publishing programs.

As such, this allows users to save much time, effort and even money. Instead of looking for other sources of information, people can use the PDF unlocker to access secured PDF files. Students and professionals who are constantly plowing through various studies and researches on e-books can now use this nifty tool to open PDF files.

Furthermore, a user can also check if certain errors were made in the published PDF. With the password remover, individuals can proofread files without any restrictions as opposed to password-protected documents.

However, users must also be wary of the PDF they want to unlock. It is important to note that programs like these should not be used for illegal purposes. Editing or copying an author's work without proper citation and authorization, can result to plagiarism. An act like this will have serious consequences for students in school and professionals in the workplace. Ignorance of this act is not an excuse either, as it is up to the user to properly procure the needed data. Hence, this includes soft copy file formats such as PDF files and the like.           

About the Author:Are you looking for more information regarding PDF to unlock? Visit today!

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day Remembrance

Monday is Memorial Day and an opportunity to honor those veterans who have died while serving the United States in war.  Enjoy the long weekend and extra day off from work.  But don't forget to bring out your most patriotic pride!  Fly your flag, dress in red, white, and blue.  And most of all - REMEMBER!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

We Know CPR!

You would expect Your Document Emergency Room to know CPR - right?  No, not Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation - the CPR I am talking about it something that will save your business, your marketing program, and everything else you do in life.  CPR stands for CONSISTENT, PERSISTENT, and RESISTANT.  Let me break them each down.

CONSISTENT - You must be consistent in your goals and your actions.  Look at this Webster's definition of Consistent:
a : marked by harmony, regularity, or steady continuity : free from variation or contradiction>b : marked by agreement : compatible —usually used with with<statements not consistent with the truth>c : showing steady conformity to character, profession, belief, or custom <a consistent patriot>

Set goals for yourself and your organization that are in harmony with your character and your beliefs.  Be regular in expressing those goals to your staff, your customers, or your target market.  Expect consistency from your team.  Do be afraid to remove people from your organization that do not share your goals, or someone from a project that does not share the vision for the project.   The overall steady continuity is greater than any one individual personality.

Watch what the successful members of your team do everyday.  Model their consistency.  It is working!

PERSISTENT - Be persistent in your drive to your goals.  Even in the face of obstacles and adversity.  Once you have set your mind on your goal, commit to achieve it.  Yes, you might have to try different paths.  You might even have to back up and begin again.  But get moving toward your goal with persistence.  And bring your team with you.  Be the GPS that keeps your team on track.  Have you heard your GPS speak the ever annoying “Recalculating” when you have gotten off track?  It’s necessary to remind your team along the way what the destination is.  Persistently share your passion. 

Persistent people begin their success where others end in failure.
Edward Eggleston

RESISTANT - Be resistant to negativity or to those who may tell you that you can’t do it.  Resist things that hinder your progress.  And resist your own self-doubt.  Turn those voices and insecurities into motivation.  Prove them wrong!  Resist the temptation to take shortcuts or to go against your character and beliefs.  The first time you try to get away with it you risk losing the respect and support of your team or your customers. 

And finally, be resistant to insignificant things that compete for your focus; those things that are inconsistent with your goals.  I am certainly not speaking of your family, your friends, or your customers.  I am talking about getting distracted by Farmville when you’re meant to be on Facebook posting a business update to your Fans.  Yes it happens to all of us.  But for those who are successful, focused and motivated, not that often. 

You become effective by being selective.  
 Rick Warren

That’s a great quote...and maybe another blog article?  Consistent, Persistent, Resistant.  Give it a try!  And if we can help you achieve any of these goals with your marketing materials - give us a call!