Your Document Emergency Room

You can count on Copy Doctor to handle your document emergencies! We have the latest, high quality, digital equipment. Our experienced staff is passionate about customer service and will always make the process of designing and printing your materials as efficient and effortless as possible.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Glossy or Matte?

Have you heard us ask you glossy or matte when you ordered your color copies or posters?  Have you ever wondered which one is better?  The answer is both!  The choice is determined by the purpose of the print or just by your personal preference.

As you probably know from developing your photos (back in the olden days - smile), glossy paper is shiny and more eye catching.  It gives the impression of being high quality.  The colors appear more vibrant and rich.  Glossy is often the choice when producing marketing materials because it is an attention grabber.

Matte paper has a dull, no gloss finish, and gives printed pieces a more artistic or sometimes textured look.  Matte finish is more easily read in most situations and lights.  Matte finish is often chosen for art projects, for black and white photography, or when the print with be framed behind glass.  Matte finish also wears best over time because it is less likely to show finger prints or to attract dust.

Both finishes have cons.  Items printed on gloss can be hard to read in bright light. Gloss will sometimes stick to glass if the item has been framed.  And gloss finished papers attract dust and fingerprints.  The downside of matte finish is that it is less likely to attract attention.  And colors are less vibrant than those printed on gloss.

Can’t make up your mind?  We have samples of both papers and examples of projects printed on them.  Stop by today and let our experts help you chose the right finish for your project!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Passover and Happy Easter!

We hope you have a great long weekend and enjoy the holidays. This spring holiday season is a great time to reflect on how truly blessed we are by our customers and friends.  We appreciate your loyalty and trust.  We wish you and your family a very Happy Passover and Easter!